Il lavoro flessibile nelle transizioni ecologica e digitale
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 465/2023

Di prossima pubblicazione in: G. Mari e A. Fermani, T. Faitini, F. Ammannati, S. Brogi, F. Seghezzi, A. Tonarelli (a cura), Idee di lavoro e di ozio per la nostra civiltà, Firenze, Firenze U. P. 2023 (in corso di stampa)

The paper analyses the evolution of the practices of flexibility and flexicurity from their origin in the European documents of 1997, to the changes brought about by the economic crisis of 2008 and by the covid pandemic of 2020, until the first implementation of the italian national recovery and resilience plan.
It further discusses the implications of the digital and green transitions on the quantity and quality of employment, emphasising that major efforts are required for strengthening active labor policies and continuous training, in order to meet the new targets of sustainable developments and to provide the employees with the new skills needed by the two transitions.
The paper argues that the investments of the national plan should be accompanied by measures of universal welfare finalised to fight new and old inequalities and to promote social and human development. It concludes that these ambitious targets will need to be supported by a convergent participation of public institutions and of organised society, in the frame of a possible social pact.

Attached ITA
Treu, Tiziano