Il reclutamento e la gestione del personale alle dipendenze delle società a partecipazione pubblica

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 332/2017

Il contributo è prossimo alla pubblicazione in C. IBBA, I. DEMURO (diretto da), Le società a partecipazione pubblica, Commentario tematico al decreto legislativo, Zanichelli, 2017.

Decree n. 175/2016, as amended by Decree n. 100/2017, introduced a full set of new legal dispositions governing the activities of companies under the control of public administrations. Among the most relevant innovations, a big role is played by the norms regulating the employment relationships between such companies and their potential and actual employees. The new regulation focuses in particular on the identification of the law applicable to such relationships and on the definition of the rules that shall govern recruitment, expenses and budget definition for human resources, and the procedures for the transfer of undertakings and for collective redundancies involving companies under the control of public administrations.
The essay provides a detailed description of the new provisions regulating employment relationships between companies under the control of public administrations and their employees, by analyzing their content under the light of the previous regulation, in order to enlighten the lines of continuity and the relevant changes.

Gramano, Elena
working paper,Italy,reclutamento,società