Il reddito di cittadinanza tra workfare e metamorfosi del lavoro

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 402/2019

ll contributo è stato sottoposto a peer-review anonima da un revisore selezionato dalla Direzione della collana. Ricevuto il 14/10/2019; accettato il 28/10/2019; pubblicato il 04/11/2019

The article analyses the main features of the “reddito di cittadinanza”, a minimum income legislation recently introduced in Italy. It highlights the elements of continuity with the discipline previously in force. After investigating the adequacy of the typology of jobs that are offered through the new discipline and of the intricate system of penalty, the article assesses the mechanism of conditionality in the light of constitutional principles and new job-market trends. Finally, the article provides some suggestions about the opportunity to update the “scientific” paradigm on which labour literature have so far relied, thereby opening spaces to a universal and unconditional income scheme that exceeds the currently planned discipline.

Modica Scala, Giovanni