Il “riordino” dei modelli di rapporto di lavoro tra articolazione tipologica e flessibilizzazione funzionale

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 213/2014

Il saggio riprende, con aggiunta di note essenziali, la relazione dell'A. al convegno Il lavoro a tempo determinato. Regolazione e prassi, Università di Roma Sapienza, 7 maggio 2014.

The latest reform of fixed-term contracts (Decree 34/2014) has just passed and some question arises of how to make such reform compatible with: a) fundamental rights of workers; b) other contracts of employment provided for in Italian labour law; c) effective employment policies for EU; d) further reforms still inspired to the S.C. single open-ended contract. The essay analyses all four aspects and expresses many doubts about the effectiveness of d.l. 34/2014 to solve the complex problems of social justice both in the labour market and within the employment contract. The contribution formulates some proposals in order to avoid the traps of job insecurity, which are inherent in the just-passed reform.

Zoppoli, Lorenzo
working papers,Italy,labor market,reform,work contract,fixed-term work