La difficile convivenza tra il nuovo articolo 18 e il lavoro pubblico

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 170/2013

Di prossima pubblicazione sul n. 6/2012 di Il Lavoro nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

The paper deals with the thorny issue of art. 18 of the Workers’ Statute as it was recently reformed by Fornero’s Law no. 92/2012, and in particular with its enforceability to the public sector. Following an examination of the main doctrinal and jurisprudential viewpoints, the A. highlights the peculiarity of public sector in order to exclude the suitability of a merely compensation as protection for public employee and affirms the applicability of the mechanism for reinstatement after a dismissal has been declared unlawful, the so-called strong protection.

Boscati, Alessandro
working papers,Italy,reforms,termination of employment,dismissal,rights of workers,unfair dismissal,public sector,civil servant