La nozione di “esigibilità'” negli accordi FIAT e la funzione negoziale del diritto di sciopero

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 225/2014

Di prossima pubblicazione in A. MARESCA (a cura di), Limiti convenzionali all’esercizio del diritto di sciopero.

This paper analyses the liability clauses within the collective agreements applicable in the Fiat company, in order to verify the capability of such instruments to ensure the stability and mutual reliability of the commitments under the contract.
The A. tries to border the concept of chargeability (or collective agreements enforceability), which doesn’t match neither with the category of “subjective field of the effectiveness” nor with the statutory general definition of enforceability.
Further on, after reporting the different thoughts of the best scholars, the A. examines the consequences of the introduction of liability clauses which could lead to a violation of the right to strike. The author develops his reasoning inquiring the problem of responsibility of trade unions for collective or individual violations of the liability clauses.
Finally, the A. focus on the deep structural and functional differences of the classic no-strike clauses compared to the clauses drawn up under the Fiat collective agreements, taking in consideration the new "trade unions and collective agreements system" outlined by the recent agreements between the confederative trade unions and the confederative employer associations.

Magnifico, Silvia
working papers,Italy,trade unions,collective agreement,strike