La nuova disciplina della cassa integrazione guadagni

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 269/2015

Il presente scritto è destinato ad essere pubblicato, con alcune modifiche e integrazioni, nel Commentario Breve alla Riforma "Jobs Act", a cura di G. ZILIO GRANDI e M. BIASI, Padova, 2015.

The d.lgs. n.148/2015, issued in application of the l. n.183/2014 (s.c. Jobs Act), rearranges the regulations on "redundacy found", regulated to this day by numerous laws, often not so coordinated one to each other. 
The measure, however, is not limited to the simple rearrangement of the legislative framework, but also introduces several innovations. 
 In particular, the new discipline imposes new burdens, including economic ones, and limitations in the use of redundacy found. This may lead forward many companies to avoid using the redundacy found as management mean of economic crysis and overstaff situations, and to prefer, instead, to immediately dismiss workers.

Nicolini, Carlo Alberto