Il presente saggio insiste sul progetto di ricerca S.M.A.R.T, Unict 2020-22, linea 2 e corrisponde, con minime integrazioni bibliografiche, alla versione già sottoposta a referaggio anonimo e pubblicata sul n. 1/2022 della rivista Variazioni su Temi di Diritto del Lavoro, pp.87-114; si ringrazia il direttore, prof. Enrico Gragnoli, per l’autorizzazione alla contestuale diffusione fra i WP-Massimo D’Antona
The essay addresses the question of the configurability of a “pretensive” dimension of well-being in the workplace, going so far as to evaluate whether or not it is neces-sary to ensure the worker even his/her happiness, understood in the particular mean-ing of good self-realization. The Author, recognizing the public sphere as a privi-leged place for investigation, since provisions that oblige the determination of well-being have gradually taken roots here, proposes an interpretative reading oriented towards the admissibility of a real duty of preparing the pre-conditions legal for the realization of the potential of each worker (empowerment).