La sentenza Sciotto della Corte Ue e la conversione a tempo indeterminato nel pubblico impiego nel nuovo scontro con la Consulta e nel recente dialogo con la Cassazione

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 383/2019

Contributo già pubblicato online sul sito, aggiornato e modificato anche nel titolo con la nuova posizione della Cassazione in materia di abusivo ricorso al contratto a tempo determinato nel pubblico impiego quando l’assunzione sia stata preceduta da procedure concorsuali, con le conclusioni dell’Avvocato generale Szpunar nella causa Rossato C-494/17 e con la sentenza n.248/2018 della Corte costituzionale, che ignora la sentenza Sciotto della Corte di giustizia.

The Sciotto ruling represents the last decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union which intervenes, once again, on the never resolved issue of the effective protection of Italian public workers in the event of abusive use of fixed-term contracts.
For the first time, the EU Court seems to impose on the Italian State, which refuses to comply with Directive 1999/70/EC with regard to anti-abuse measures in the public service, the sanction of the indefinite retraining of fixed-term employment relationships in the public sector, threatening the use of clause 4 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work, directly applicable to the public administrations as regards the working conditions of temporary workers compared to comparable workers at indetermined time.
On the background of the problem faced by the Court of Justice we find the dialogue / clash with the Italian Constitutional Court, after the sentence No. 279/1977 of the Judge of laws on centralized control of constitutionality, following the well-known case law of the "Taricco" case, and the response of the EU Court, in the Bauer ruling, with the enhancement of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as legislation directly applicable in disputes between individuals.
The prospect seems to be that of the end of the myth of the absolute ban on conversion into the Italian public employment, at least in situations in which fixed-term employment took place in compliance with public competitionis and the period of non-continuous service employed by the public administration has exceeded 36 months.
However, the ruling n.248 / 2018 of the Constitutional Court continues to reiterate the ban on conversion into the public service, going to the clash, this time, not only with the Court of Justice (Sciotto judgment) but also with the Supreme Court (order no. 25728/2018).

De Michele, Vincenzo