L’applicazione delle clausole di clawback nei contratti di lavoro: un primo tentativo di approccio al problema

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 355/2018

Il presente lavoro è destinato ad essere pubblicato all’interno del n. 1/2018 della rivista Il Diritto del Mercato del Lavoro

The A., analyzing the esisting cases, provides a legal framework for the clawback clauses, i.e. those contractual mechanisms, typical of common law systems, but now widespread also in Italy, which provide for the possible return, in whole or in part, of fees already paid by companies to their managemenet as variable remuneration.In particular, the A. asks himself about the classification of these clauses, as well as their legitimacy within the Italian legal system, to advance a first reconstruction of the theme.

Timellini, Caterina