Legge n. 78/2014 e politiche del lavoro

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 220/2014

The article deals with the provisions of Law Decree 34/2014 (converted into Act 78/2014), with particular regard to the new rules in matter of fixed-term contract and apprenticeship contract.
The A. address the most crucial interpretative questions and they highlight the positive and less positive outcomes of the two new disciplines.  The exam of the latter provisions gives the A. the chance to draw an overall evaluation of the most recent labour law policy making in Italy.  The first « Jobs Act » intervention, which aims at boosting the positive and immediate results of an uncertain growth of the labour market and which should anticipate a more general reform (Bill proposal 1428/2014), simply consists in a further flexibilization and segmentation of the labour market, that may have the only effect of refraining the employers from permanent hirings and from stable investments on workforce competences.
In conclusion, according to the A., the only path towards employment growth requires, on the one hand, a radical semplification of the several existing hiring forms and, on the other hand, a strong protection of fundamental rights of employees, starting with the idea of contrasting the social exclusion of workers at the moment of termination of the contract of employment.   

Zilio Grandi, Gaetano; Sferrazza, Mauro
working papers,Italy,reforms,employment policy,work contract,fixed-term work,apprenticeship,flexibility,flexicurity