Nuova disciplina dei licenziamenti e tecniche di prevenzione del conflitto

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 245/2015

In corso di pubblicazione nella Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro, n. 2/2015.

The paper analyzes the new discipline of the techniques to prevent the conflict contained in the so-called jobs act (l. n. 183/1024 which is going to be implemented by a Government decree).
In particular, it examines the discipline of the revocation of the dismissal and the one concerning the offer of conciliation, both classified among the instruments of alternative dispute resolution. After making a comparison with the similar tool ruled by the German Hartz Law, the Author focuses his attention above the problems opened by the discipline of the offer of conciliation in the Italian system, highlighting the possible profiles of unconstitutionality and the contrast with EU law.

Garilli, Alessandro
working paper,Italy