Occupazione e diritto del lavoro. Le politiche del lavoro del governo Renzi

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 226/2014

Di prossima pubblicazione in Dir. merc. lav, 2014, n. 1/2.

The paper is focused on the analysys of the most recent labour law policies made by government Renzi. It tries to give a first evaluation about the so called jobs act, strengthening its critical aspect. The A. sets also a particular attention on the provisions of Law Decree 34/2014 (converted into Act 78/2014) and expecially on the new rules of fixed-term contract, in the light of their compatibility with the rules of the E.U.

Garilli, Alessandro
working papers,Italy,reforms,employment policy,work contract,fixed-term work,flexibility,flexicurity