PNRR e rinnovamento delle amministrazioni pubbliche
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 466/2023

Il saggio riproduce, con ampliamenti e note, la relazione tenuta a Palermo l’11 febbraio 2023 nel convegno "La privatizzazione del pubblico impiego trent'anni dopo".

The paper analyses the first implications of the Italian national plan for recovery and resilience (PNRR) for the renovation of public administrations.
It examines the measures and instruments finalised to strengthen the administrative structures and to reverse the previous trend of personnel downsizing, namely : the plan to accelerate new hirings through fast procedures linked to the actual needs of the administrations and the extensive use of digital devices; a parallel strategic plan for the training of employees consistent with the necessary organisational innovations and with the new professional profiles identified by collective agreements, the regulation of the use of remote working in the public sector.
Finally the paper indicates the urgencies and the critical aspects of the second phase of the PNRR implementation: modifications of the Plan to be agreed upon with the European Commission (cost adjustment of the public works, changes in specific projects, postponements of the terms of compliance), possible contributions of collective bargaining, active role of public management, and monitoring of the advancement of the project with the participation of social and civic organisations.

Attached ITA
Treu, Tiziano – Michetti, Patrizio