Prime chiose sulla nuova disciplina delle collaborazioni a progetto

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 151/2012

Il presente studio è in corso di pubblicazione in Flessibilità e tutele nei contratti e nel mercato del lavoro. Commentario della legge 28 giugno 2012 n. 92, curato da P. Chieco per la casa editrice Cacucci di Bari.

The author analyzes the recent reform of the disciplines of self-employed project contract and income support for project workers without employment highlighting, first of all, the way they confirm the fundamental regulatory choices made in the past.
The new regulatory framework in the field of self-employed project contract, however, does not provide useful element which helps to solve the main application issues emerged before or facilitate in any way the conceptual arrangement of the subject than in the past; while the regulation of income support, being limited to the project workers, makes a disparity in treatment between these ones and other independent consultants on which the a. casts doubts of constitutionality.

Pinto, Vito