Profili lavoristici della L. n. 76 del 2016 su unioni civili e convivenze di fatto

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 320/2017

Si tratta della Relazione svolta all’incontro di studio su Processo alla famiglia, Sala Conferenze del Tribunale di Frosinone, 24 novembre 2016. Il contributo è in corso di pubblicazione in Lav. prev. oggi.

The paper investigates employment law aspects of Act n. 76 of 2016 on “Unioni civili e convivenze di fatto” (civil unions and de facto unions). In this perspective, the analysis is divided into two parts, with regard first to the rights granted to civil union partners and, then, of those recognized to de facto cohabitants. In the first part the author examines the rights which, in terms of employment and then of social security, are extended by law to civil union partners. In the second part the paper examines the side of de facto relationships, where the law writes in the Civil Code a new Art. 230-ter. It is a new legislation of regulatory scheme, so called “impresa familiare”, predisposed for the de facto cohabitants, on which the author investigates.

Passalacqua, Pasquale
working paper, Italy,