Promuovere forme di occupazione stabile. I nuovi incentivi universali

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 292/2016

Di prossima pubblicazione su Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali

The exemption from payment of social security contributions introduced for the new permanent job carried out in 2015, and revived, albeit under different conditions, even for new hires in 2016, it introduces a fundamental change in the employment incentives system. It marks the transition from the season of selective support for individual categories of workers or contracts to the undifferentiated aid to all the assumptions made permanently. The hope is to encourage, thereby, the stable increase in employment.
The paradigm change in the incentive technique poses new problems, mainly related to the interpretation of the limits for access to aid. The most important thing, in terms of employment policy, concerns, however, the absence of criteria for the evaluation of new measure. It is also unclear if its introduction is intended to promote a stable lowering of labor costs for the new stable employment.

Vergari, Sergio
working paper,Italy