Protezione sociale ed equilibrio intergenerazionale

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 374/2018

Di prossima pubblicazione in Rivista della Corte dei Conti, n.5/6, Rubbettino, 2019.

The paper analyses the major trends in the social and economic relations among older and younger generations, and discusses the factors which are changing the historic balance among these generations, in particular the reduced birth rate and the aging of population, with the consequent increase in the age dependency ratio.
The most relevant indicators show an increasing divergence in the conditions of different age groups (employment opportunities, income distribution, access to welfare provisions, to educations and professional training) to the detriment of the youngsters.
This divergence may threaten the very basis of the social pact which keeps together our societies. The paper develops the argument that in order to restore the balance among generations measures consistent and durable in time are needed.
A set of major policies derived by best international practices are suggested to this end.
For the young generations: protection measures such as minimum wages, universal accessible public welfare, measures to prevent and fight poverty; instruments directed to promote the personal and economic autonomy of the youngest such as economic support for attending education, services and incentives for stable employment, public housing programs, promotion of entrepreneurship.
For the old generations: comprehensive measures for active ageing such as age- friendly work organisation, flexible working patterns and careers, health prevention and promotion, measures for flexible retirement. The building of a new pact among the generations requires a set of structural conditions, such as institutional stability, sustainable development, equitable investments in welfare policies and more intense communications and exchanges of experience among different age groups.

Treu, Tiziano
working paper,Italy