Re-internalizzazione e successione di appalto nella gestione dei servizi pubblici

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 385/2019

Destinato agli studi in onore di Roberto Pessi.
Si tratta del testo italiano, completato nelle note ed arricchito dalle considerazioni finali, della relazione dal titolo Reversión de servicios y sucesión de empresas en el derecho comparado, svolto al congresso sul tema: Reversión de Contratas Públicas a la Luz de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público, tenutosi presso l’Università di Valencia, il 13 e 14 dicembre 2018.

The essay presents a panorama of the Italian discipline related to tendering in public services, illustrating particularly the discipline that regulates contract of employment, when a public administration proceeds to outsource or to re-internalize an activity. In the latter case, in Italian jurisdiction (as well as in Spanish one), there is a conflict between two different principles: the principle according to which the transferee becomes the employer of all staff previously employed by the transferor, which derives from the European directive no. 2001/23 on the transfert of an undertaking, is opposed to the Constitutional principle, under which no one can have access to public employment if not after passing a open competition. The essay analyses also the rules which has to be applied to the case in which, after a new call for tenders, a new contractor gained the service previously managed by another company

Ferrante, Vincenzo
working paper,Italy