Ricollocazione dei disoccupati e politiche attive del lavoro. Promesse e premesse di security nel Jobs Act del Governo Renzi

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 249/2015

Il Paper riprende e amplia il testo dell’intervento svolto al convegno “Il Jobs Act: quale progetto per il diritto del lavoro?”, Roma – Camera dei Deputati, 19 febbraio 2015.

The article offers a critical evaluation of new reform in the field of labour market (act n. 183 of 10 December 2014). The essay focuses on the delegated legislative process undertaken by italian Cabinet during last few months, as well as on the new legal regarding jobseeker’s agreement and on the future delegated regulation in the Public Employment Services (PES’s) and Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP’s) matter.
The analysis is carried out through the prism of flexicurity. The Author analyzes the concepts of flexibility and security, both used in the first two legislative decrees (n. 22 e 23, 4 March 2015), enlightening the need of a quick government intervention even in the field of Public Employment Services and Active Labour Market Policies.

Alaimo, Anna
working paper, Italy, Labour Market Reform, Jobs Act, Flexicurity, Public Employment Services, Active Labour Market Policies, Comparative Analysis,Jobs act