Riforma Fornero e start up innovative, le modifiche targate 2012 in tema di contratto a tempo determinato: tra finalità economico-occupazionali e recepimento del diritto comunitario

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 171/2013

This article debates about last reforms of fixed labor contracts. In the first part, the author analyzes the principal legal effects of l. n. 92/2012, so called Fornero reform, explaining the new advantages for employers to utilized this type of contracts without any indication of reasons of justification. Moreover, are described the relationship between the measures introduced (minimal intervals, maximum duration, etc.), and the tendency undertaken by European Court of Justice on the same themes. In the last part, are defined the innovations of l. n. 221/2012, about “start up innovative”, and the measures of exceptions for these companies respect general discipline of d.lgs. n. 368/2001.

Cordella, Costantino
working papers,Italy,reforms,employment policy,fixed-term work,work contract,innovation,companies,entrepreneurship