Ripensando il “nuovo” art. 18 dello Statuto dei lavoratori

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 172/2013

Di prossima pubblicazione sul n. 3/2013 di ADL - Argomenti di Diritto del lavoro.
The A. analyses the recent reform of article 18 of the Workers’ Statute and the impact of the so-called "Monti-Fornero" reform on the role of the judicial interpretation. The A. analyses, from this point of view, the application of the new rules to the public sector; then the A. considers the difference between formal violations and substantial violations of the rules of dismissal; the difference between subjective and objective reasons for dismissal; above all, in particular, the A. proposes a solution to solve the crucial problem of the notion of discriminatory dismissal with its particular system of judicial protection.

Carinci, Franco
working papers,Italy,reforms,termination of employment,dismissal,rights of workers,unfair dismissal,public sector,rights of workers