Un diritto del lavoro per il lavoro che cambia: primi spunti di riflessione

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 368/2018

Questo scritto è destinato a LIBER AMICORUM per Giuseppe Santoro-Passarelli

The Author purpose is to check if job market rules and employment relationships rules are able to adapt themselves to the new way of working that usually is called “industry 4.0”.
About the law n. 81/2017 (that concerns self-employment and smart work), in the first part of his considerations, the Author believes that labor rules are absolutely able to meet the new technological challenges.
In the second part of his considerations, the Author points out the aspects that must qualify the new direction of Labor Law that identify in: a) protection of self-employment, b) development of the individual freedom of the subordinate worker, c) complementarity of the needs of businesses and workers.
About this last aspect he mentioned, for example, the current sanctioning rules in the event of an unjustified dismissal and the new rules of ius variandi on the subject of tasks.

Fiorillo, Luigi
working paper,Italy