Per un intervento eteronomo sulla rappresentanza sindacale: se non ora quando!

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 206/2014

In corso di pubblicazione in A. Zoppoli, L. Zoppoli, M. Delfino (a cura di), Una nuova costituzione per il sistema di relazioni sindacali?, Editoriale scientifica, 2014.

The paper deals with the possibility of a legislative reform in the field of trade union representation. The A. analyzes the multiple conditions that can make more likely than in the past years a heteronomous intervention about this subject. 
These conditions – analyzed and assessed in the paper -  can be summarized as follows: a more mature, and widespread, background of self-regulation about trade union representation and representativeness (compared with the situation in the early ’90, in which there was only the Protocol of 23 July 1993); a growing consensus, in the legal debate, on possibility and necessity of a heteronomous intervention; a non-hostile political climate on the subject of a reform of trade union representation (encouraged also by the judgment of the Constitutional Court nr. 231/2013). 
The last part of the paper focuses on the guidelines for a possible legislative reform about trade union representation and decentralized collective bargaining, that is currently being discussed and drafted by a group of labour lawyers (including the A.). 

Caruso, Sebastiano Bruno
working papers,Italy,reforms,workers’ representation,workers’ organisations,collective bargaining,trade unions,trade union rights